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Networks, tools and blogs
Crisis Communication Scorecard (free tool)
Emergency 2.0 Wiki
European Forum for Urban Security
Global Crisis Management (Network)
Humanity Road
i-Revolution (Blog)
Medisys Newsbrief EU
UB Disaster alert (Map)
Emergency and crisis management journals
Disaster Prevention and Management
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
International Journal of Emergency Management
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
Risk Analysis
Journals related to (crisis) communication
Human Technology
Journal of Applied Communication Research
Journal of Public Relations Research
Public Relations Review
Public Relations Quarterly
Authority expertise centres in crisis management
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
European Commission Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection and European Civil Protection
FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Non-profit institute for communication and cooperation research
The Public Safety Communication Europe Forum (PSCE)
Research Networks
Center for Risk Communication Research, University of Maryland
Crisis Communication, University of Jyväskylä
Dialogik, Stuttgart
Disaster Research Centre, University of Delaware
International Research Group on Crisis Communication, The University of Ilmenau
Risk and Crisis Center, Mid Sweden University